How long will my refund take?

You can expect to receive your refund within four weeks of shipping your package back to Shani Darden Skin Care. In many cases you will receive a refund sooner, but we estimate four (4) weeks to allow for the time required by return shipping (up to 14 days), product inspection at our returns facility (up to 5 business days), and processing from your bank or credit card company (up to 5 business days). We will notify you via email with the details of your refund and issue it in the form of payment used to make your purchase once your return process is complete.

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Pick 2 Free Samples with any order

Retinol Reform Sachet 2 ML
Body Reform Treatment Serum Sachet (US/CA)
Intensive Eye Renewal Cream Sachet

Pick 2 Free Samples with any order
